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GRF 13-13-13 NPK Granular Fertilizer (3lbs.)
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GRF 13-13-13 NPK Granular Fertilizer (3lbs.)

Product ID: 205472145
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GRF 13-13-13 is a universally used fertilizer for starting off your planting season. GRF 13-13-13 is a slow release fertilizer that gives your plants the 3 fundamental macro-nutrients any plant needs. While this fertilizer does not require anything else to be 100% effective, we HIGHLY recommend to combine our GRF 13-13-13 fertilizer with our GRF Ultra Booster to add further nutrition for optimal results. FOR POTTED PLANTS: Add one tablespoon of GRF 13-13-13 per gallon of soil by sprinkling on top of the soil, away from stem. Can be applied every two months if pots are watered twice a week. FOR GARDENS: Mix GRF 13-13-13 into the soil before planting. The GRF 13-13-13 should be mixed in with the top 2-5 inches of soil & according to the area of your garden. Reapply every 6 weeks to the top of the soil. FOR TREES AND BUSHES: Use GRF 13-13-13 in the Spring before new growth has begun, in the beginning of Summer, and in the Fall after your harvest. Fertilize under the drip line. For bushes, fertilizer under the end of the branches.

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